Thursday 15 November 2012

The beginning of something new

Hello reader and welcome,

 Let me start off with saying that I am someone who sets targets for myself all the time. It could be anything from taking up a gym membership (yes you've been there too) and using it (GASP!) to promising myself that yes I can and yes I will practice my saxophone until my lips turn blue.

 All too often these promises I make to myself come to very little. I might keep the momentum going for a month or so, perhaps less in some cases, but overall commitments not my strong point. I wish to stress commitment to others, fine. Commitment to myself, hmmm not so good.

 The reason? I panic. And then pretend I never made any changes. Of course the root of a lot of panicked emotion when approaching something new in all of us is fear of failure and I am by no means an acception to this rule. Whatever you wish to label it; 'perfection', 'ocd' or 'procrastination'.

 I find the only way out for me in the past is to motivate myself with pressure or fear of letting others down. This is by no means healthy. It makes me tense and if I'm tense my whole self aches and I get down because... well... I'm human!

The Purpose of this Blog

1. To help me focus - the written word is a great way to collate your thoughts, especially if you're a daydreamer like me.

2. To motivate myself - obviously, as the title of the blog would lead you to believe.

3. To re-enforce some positive thinking - as the nights draw in I often struggle to enjoy life and have struggled with anxiety and depression in the past.

4. To set some goals - this is something I am always doing anyway and never giving myself credit for when I do achieve them or even not noticing that I've achieved them! So at least here it will be obvious and help me see my progress.

5. To help me reflect - this is one of my favourite things to do anyway, it's after all a big part of my job and I love to write but never give myself permission to do so.

So... here's to the beginning of my first ever blog.

Ta da!

Something iheart to do: WRITE A BLOG

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