Friday 16 November 2012

Motivation to look after what you have

In my experience the more I have the more I want. I have to make a conscience decision to stop myself thinking I need something new to make me happy. There. I've said it. Inside me with my charity shop finds and decluttering mentality is a deeply suppressed and buried materialist. And seeing as I'm confessing to things today I'll even go as far as to say I enjoy department stores, yes, even at Christmas.

I suppress these urges for good reasons. They don't make me happy like I said I just want more. So in light of this you DO need to look after what you have.

You think - I want a bigger house
You motivate yourself to - declutter, organise and revamp with a few projects in your current house.

Always think, how can I turn something I currently have into a version of what I think I need. Or do I even need it? If you can't be bothered to do the revamping you probably don't really need it.

This theory can apply to anything you own or do.

The clothes in your wardrobe especially are an area where most of us have too much. Less is more. Donate everything you haven't worn in the past 3 months.

Look after your shoes and your hair. Polish and condition. (Ahem I could do with heeding my own advice here).

I often find if I care for a particular item in our house I start to appreciate it more and realise that I am content with my lot.

"If everyone demaded peace instead of another television set, then there would be peace." - John Lennon

"The things you own end up owning you. It's only after you lose everything that you're free to do anything."- Chuck from Fight Club

Of course if you own less material possessions then you need to care for less and therefore you have more time and freedom.

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